CD's and DVD's of 1960's psych, pop-sike,mod, garage ~~~~~ CD obscurities.....Psychedelic '60's
CD's and DVD's for e-mail is listed below!
The Action - Rolled Gold (pre'68 Mod Psych.,A MUST!) 1CD
Kevin Ayers, - Joy of a Toy, ('69 UKpsych,)1CD
The Beat Era - Australien Volume1, (comp 25 treasures),1CD
Circus Days - Vol.1 & 2, Pop-Sike 1966-'70, 1CD
Circus Days - Volumn Three (compUK Psych '66-'70)1CD
Clarion Call, (comp.R&B, Mod & Pop-Psych, Aussie),1CD
Colour Me Pop Vol.1, (comp,'60's pop/r&b/psych) 1CD
Colour Me Pop Vol.2, (comp) 1CD
Colour Me Pop Vol.3, (a great copy now!)1CD
Come to the Sunshine:SoftPop from WEA Vaults, 1CD
Datura Dreamtime- (comp Aussie Psych) 1CD
Drag Strip USA - (Laurel Records,rare comp '60's,45s)1CD
Dutch Uncles Vol.1, (60's Nederbeat Psych!)1CD
Dutch Uncles Vol.2, (more 60's Nederbeat Psych! Whoa!)1CD
Fading Yellow Vol One, ("Timeless" Pop-Sike'65-'69) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol Two, (US pop-sike '65-'69, a must!) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol Three, ("Shiny Jewels" of US '65-'69) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol Four, ("Light,Smack,Dab" '67-'69) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol Five, ("Gone Are the Days" US'70-'73) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol. Six, ("Smorgasbord" US '66-'70) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol. Seven, (US LP trax "Timeless" '68-'72) 1CD
Fading Yellow Vol. Eight, ("Hymns For Today"-'68-'75)1CD
Fading Yellow Vol. Nine, ("Other Side Of Life"-'66-'72)1CD
Fantastic Plastic Vol.One,(20 60's pop-psych obscurities)1CD
Fantastic Plastic Vol.Two - Welcome to Toyland, 1CD
The Forest of Gold Tops - (comp Aussie Psych), 1CD
Gathering of the Tribe - (69min.comp. rare Guess Who)1CD
The Get Easy! Sunshine Pop '60's, 2CD's
The Gordian Knot, (Fading Yellow type)1CD
The Great British Psychedelic Trip Vol.1,(comp'66-'69)1CD
The Great British Psychedelic Trip Vol.2,(comp'65-'70)1CD
The Great British Psychedelic Trip Vol.3,(comp'65-'70)1CD
Honeybus - She Flies Like A Bird, 2CD's
The Idle Race - Back to the Story, 2CD's
July -( '68 July's 1st LP on CD),1CD
July - 2nd of July, ('68 UK psych,2ndLP,rare!),1CD
The Magic Cube (comp), El Cid Records, 1CD
Magic Spectacles (comp,60's UK freakbeat/psych, great!), 1CD
The Merry Go Round, (true stereo), 1CD
Michigan Nuggets (comp,US'60's wild/ rare Bob Seger) 1CD
The Montanas - You've Got to Be Loved, 1CD
The Move - Omibus (sounds like early Who) 1CD
Neon Pearl - 1967 Recordings (best folk-sike,pre-Please)1CD
Billy Nicholls-Would You Believe,('67 great pop psych!!!)1CD
Billy Nicholls - Snapshot (unrele.WYB demos'67-'68)1CD
Of Hopes & Dreams & Tombstones, (Aussie R&Beat)1CD
The Outsiders - CQ Sessions,('68 Dutch psych masterpiece)CD
John Pantry - Right Side Up (27trax 70's pop!)1CD
Peculiar Hole in the Sky, (comp Aussie psych), 1CD
Pop-In , (Label Elevator Music) '60's 45's, 1CD
Pop-In Vol. 2, More Fizzy Pop From UK 1967-70, 1CD
Pop-In Vol. 3, Buried Treasures From UK Rainbow Years,1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People, Vol. One, 1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People, Vol. Two, 1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People, Vol. Three, 1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People Vol.4 (Calif.'66-'71)1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People Vol.5 ('66-'69)1CD
Soft Sounds For Gentle People - Mystic Males,1CD
The Smoke (US),--('68 group w/M.Lloyd"sgtPepper"),1CD!!
Surf Time on LBI (DavieAllan & theArrows,rare instros),1CD
Sweet Floral Albion, (comp rare '60's lost gems,23trax)1CD
Talking About the Good Times (comp unrele.UK psych)CD
We All Together, ('73 Peruvian pop Beatles like), 1CD
We Can Fly Volume One, (27 tracks,'66-'71), 1CD
We Can Fly Volume Two, (22 tracks '66-'71), 1CD
We Can Fly Volume Three (22 tracks '66-'71), 1CD
We Can Fly Volume Four (25 tracks '66-'71), 1CD
We Can Fly Volume Five (29 tracks '66-'71), 1CD
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band Vol.1, 1CD
Page 2
13 Floor Elevators - The Psychedelic Sounds of..,1CD
60's Bubble-Gum Special Mix-(back-in!29trax,'60's delights)1CD
30 Seconds Before the Calico Wall,('60'sCompPunkWild)1CD
Ace Kefford - Ace The Face, (lost '68 LP + more!ex-Move)1CD
An Apple A Day -More Pop-Psych Apple Era '67-'69,1CD
The Action - Uptight And Outasight ,(live performances)2CDs!
The Attack - Magic In The Air ('67-'68 group)1CD
Breakthrough - Vol.1 (comp 28 trax 60's garage)1CD
Breakthrough - Vol.2 (comp 29 trax U.S.A. garage)1CD
Breakthrough - Vol.3 (comp 27 trax U.S.A.punk & beat)1CD
Bring Flowers To Us (comp 20 U.S.A.pop-psych)1CD
British North American Act - In The Beginning...(Great!)1CD
The Cicadelic 60's - 1966 Revisited,(from vinyl,w/bonus+)1CD
The Cicadelic 60's - Don't Put Me On! (rare comp,vinyl)1CD
The Cicadelic 60's - "Never Existed!", (+bonus trax!) 1CD
The Cicadelic 60's - Volume Two, Out Of Order!, 1CD
Creation Of Sunlight -s/t,('68 West coast sunshine psych)1CD
Daughters Of Albion - s/t,(weird '69 Sgt.Pepper type)1CD
Dreamtime Downunder - (Aussie Comp.22 rare trax '70s)1CD
Early L.A. - (comp '60's folk and blues,feat.David Crosby)1CD
Ellie Pop - s/t (Beatlesque psych-pop 1968 group)1CD
Episode Six - Complete Episode, (28trax pop/psych)1CD
Mark Eric - A Midsummer's Day Dream,('68US,LostLP)1CD
Eternity's Children - (25 trax, '66-'70 complete pop/psych)1CD
Every Mother's Son - Come On Down To My Boat, 1CD
Don Fardon - I'm Alive,(ex-Sorrows,'68-'69 beat/pop)1CD
Fargo - I See It Now,('69 U.S. group,pop/psych,jangly)1CD
The Fifth Estate - Ding Dong! The Witch Is Back! '64/9,1CD
A Fistful Of Fuzz - (18trax, late 60's fuzz psych/garage)1CD
The Flies - Complete Collection '65-'68,1CD
Flower Pot Men - Let's Go To San Francisco, (UKPopPsy)1CD
Focal Point - First Bite Of The Apple -Complete '67-'68, 1CD
For A Few Fuzz Guitars More,(comp 60's,20trax)1CD
Free Design - Kites Are Fun (60's group pop-psych)1CD
Gene Clark - Echoes (ex-Byrdsish,'67-'68,20trax,a-must!)1CD
Grass -A NW To SW Collection (30trax,comp,rare&great!)1CD
Hard Meat -1st LP/ Through a Window,('70-'71,prog rock)1CD
Harmony Grass - This Is Us (UK 60's sunshine pop)1CD
The International Artists Singles Collection, (from vinyl)1CD
Jade - Faces Of Jade (US group '70 awesome Beatlesque)1CD
The Kaleidoscope - s/t, (Spanish,60's psych,in English)1CD
Kaleidoscope - Tangerine Dream ('67UK psych,rare)1CD
It's A Kave-In, (comp.wild '60's Aussie punk!) 1CD
The Kinks - Village Green,(UK Stereo/Mono/demos)3CD's!!!
King Richard & The Knights - Precision!,(US '60's beat)1CD
Les Fleur de Lys - Reflections, '65-'69 group, ('97 re-issue),1CD
Liquid Pet Sounds - Various Artists (a classic LP on acid!)1CD
Los Mac's - Kaleidoscope Men ('67 rare psych Chile grp.)1CD
McCully Workshop Inc. - (rare '69 S.Afr. psych/garage)1CD
Majority One - s/t, (60's UK grp.Baroque pop/psych)1CD
The Mamas & The Papas - Complete Anthology, 4 CD's!!!!
Meic Stevens - Outlander ('70 UK Folk Rock Psych)1CD
Merchants Of Dream - Strange Night Voyage (mega-rare '68........
.....LP by Shadow Morton,pop-psych,"Peter Pan", vinyl,)1CD
The Misunderstood - Before the Dream Faded, (rare'68), 1CD
Mike Stuart Span - Timespan, ('68 UK group, psych)1CD
Mr. Toytown Presents.. (Rare psych/pop '69-'74)1CD
The Move - Colour Me Rare! (comp. Live from TV), 1CD
Music Machine,Best of,-Turn On (mid-60's garage,covers)1CD
Nirvana (UK) - All of Us, ('68 UK Psych),1CD
Open Up Yer Door - Volume 2 ('66 garage punk)1CD
Orange Bicycle - Let's Take A Trip...('67/9 UK psych)1CD
The Outsiders - Original Hit Recordings (Dutch '65-'69)1CD
The Paisleys - Cosmic Mind At Play ('70 rare psych)1CD
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy -Is Spreading + Great(2on1)1CD
The Palace Guard - s/t,('65-'66,pre-Merry-Go-Round)1CD
Pepperisms-(comp.worldwide '60's Sgt.Pep.styled-psych)1CD
Pierre's Plastic Dream (comp'66-'68 UK pop-psych)1CD
Please - 1968/69, (ex-Flies, post-Neon Pearl),1CD
Please - Seeing Stars (from vinyl,'69 UK psych)1CD
The Poets - In Your Tower,(UK beat! pop/psych,60's)1CD
Pop Works Two - A Piece Of Heaven,(25 dreamy pop)1CD
Pretty Ugly - (comp '60's Aussie beat & punk,28 raretrax!)1CD
Psychamania - (comp UK '70-'73 underground, no prog.)1CD
Ripples Vol.1 Look at the Sunshine,(UK pop psych)1CD
Ripples Vol.2 Dream Time, (comp.UK pop psych)1CD
Ripples Vol.3 Autumn Almanac,(comp UK pop psych)2CD's!
Ripples Vol.4 Uptown Girls & Big City Boys, 1CD
Ripples Vol.5 Beach Bash, (30 Brit. party pop gems),1CD
Rubble Vol.13 - Freak Beat Fantoms,1CD
Ruperts People - The Magic World of.,(UK '67-'68 psych)1CD
San Francisco Sound - Then And Now,Vol.1,(a-must!!!)1CD
San Francisco Sound - Then...Volume Two(!)..more tunes!,1CD
Second Revolution - (comp 28 psych trax rare '60's delights)1CD
Sixties Downunder -(OOP comp Raven Records Aussie)1CD
Sixties Downunder Vol.2 - (OOP comp 29trax Aussie)1CD
The Smoke (UK) - My Friend Jack, ('67 group), 1CD
Sometimes I Wonder - Psyche Pop Sound Of President,1CD
The Syn - Original Syn (Amazing '67 UK psych, pre-Yes)2CD
Tages - 1964-68! (32 trax Amazing Swedish pop psych)1CD
Thorinshield - s/t,('68 US pop-psych group)1CD
Triste Janero - Meet....,('68 Brazilian Pop/Psych,rare!)1CD
The Twilights -The Way They Played,(Aussie's Beatles)1CD
Roy Wood & Wizzard - 16 Greats From 70's,(ex-Move)1CD
West Coast Love-In (comp pre-Peanut Butter Conspir.)1CD
Worldbeaters - Volume 5,(27trax,Krazy World records!)1CD
The Yellow Balloon - ('67 US pop/psych +bonus trax)1CD
Page 3
The Aerovons - Resurrection ('69 popsike Beatles type)1CD
Acid Drops, Spacedust, & Flying Saucers (UK psych!) 4 CD's!
The Action - Action Packed,(singles '65-'90!!)1CD
Angel Pavement -Maybe Tomorrow,(UKgig'69poppsych)1CD
Basement Walls Vol.1 - (comp 60's US garage/punk)1CD
Basement Walls Vol.2 - (vinyl comp 60's US garage)1CD
The Chosen Few Vol.1 - (13 trax 60's garage/psych,vinyl)1CD
California Acid Folk (comp 21 trax, Byrds & demos)1CD
Cold Sun - Dark Shadows (ultra rare '69 TX.psych unrele.)1CD
Colours -(US/Canada Obscure '68 pop-psych group)1CD
Critters / Anthology - Complete '65-'67, (20 cuts) 1CD
Critters - Touch 'N Go,(US group'68 sunshine pop-psych)1CD
Critters - Younger Girl,(US group '66 LP,sunshine-pop)1CD
Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera,('67 UK classic hard psych)1CD
Elmer Gantry & the Velvet Opera, The Very Best of..,1CD
Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera, Sat.Club, BBC Radio '68............
..............(7 rare trax + interview all from bootleg LP)1CD
Finest Hours of US 60's Punk (Ltd.rare vinyl comp LP)1CD
Fire - Underground & Overhead, Alternate Fire,(UKpsych)1CD
From The New World - US Folk Rock Vol.1'65-'69,1CD!!!!!
Gandalf - ('69 New York group, psych gem!)1CD
Gather In The Mushrooms - UK Acid Folk '68-'74, 1CD
Glimpses Vol.3 - (15 trax 60's garage/psych,vinyl comp)1CD
Hard Up Heroes - ('63-'68 vinyl comp rare pre-famous)1CD!!!!
Icicle Star Tree - 21 Lysergic Lullabies from the U.S.('60's), 1CD
I Turned Into A Helium Balloon - (Big Beat Records 60's) 1CD
Justafixation - (20 trax 60's UK psych subculture)1CD
Love, Peace & Poetry - South Africa, 1CD
Mighty Baby - ('69 LP plus 5 trax from the Action)1CD
Mighty Baby - A Jug of Love...Plus, 1CD
The Millenium - Magic Time(2LP's+22unrel 60's USpsych)3CD
The Mod 4 - ('60's comp, best, rare, great US garage ever!)1CD
The Move - Movements (UK Box 3LP's on 3CD's)3CD's
94 Baker Street - Pop-psych Apple Era'67-'69, 1CD
Opal Butterfly - The Complete Collection (rare demos)1CD
The Outsiders - Strange Things Are Happening ('65-'69)1CD
Perfumed Garden Volume Three, (60's psych rarities) 1CD
The Peppermint Trolley, (60's group,a-la fading yellow)1CD
Psychedelia at Abbey Road -(UK 22 Rarities '65-'69)1CD
The Psychedelic Voyage -(best US psych,obscure & great!)1CD
Pussy - Pussy Plays (UK group '69 prog psych)1CD
Q65 - The Complete Collection '66-'69 (Dutch psych)2CDs
Sainte Anthony's Fyre - s/t ('69 US hard/heavy psych)1CD
Sagittarius - Present Tense (20trax Millenium type)1CD
Sagittarius - The Blue Marble (2ndLP '69, pop/psych)1CD
Skip Bifferty - s/t (UK group '67-'68) 1CD
Small Faces (UK 1st LP '66)1CD
Sons of Gathering of the Tribe -(rare,vinyl,great 60's garage.)1CD
Surfer's Point - (comp rare 60's surfin' washouts,great!)1CD
Them - In Reality/Happy Tiger Years,('71 LP + bonus)1CD
The Travels of Mrs.Fitzhenry -(comp'67-'72 poppsych)1CD
The Best Of U-Spaces - Plus (my own mix, 29 far-out trax)1CD
U-Spaces - Psychedelic Archaeology Volumes 1 to 10, 10CDs
The Best Of Psych Archaeology (my own mix, 28 trax)1CD
U-Spaces - California Love-In Volume 1 (lost 60's comp) 1CD
U-Spaces - California Love-In Volume 2, (comp),1CD
U-Spaces - California Love-In Volume 3, (great tunes),1CD
U-Spaces - California Love-In Volume 4, (weirdly delicious)1CD
U-Spaces - California Love-In Volume 5, (24 lost trax)1CD
U-Spaces - Fragments Vol. 1 (lost little gems)1CD
U-Spaces - Fragments Vol. 2-(Byrdsian psych/folk,a must!)1CD
U-Spaces - Promos & Radio Spots Volume 1, 1CD
U-Spaces - Way Out Wonders Vol.1(weird comp,vietnam)1CD
U-Spaces - The Light Show Vol. 1 (Fading Yellow type)1CD
U-Spaces - The Light Show Vol. 2 (Fading Yellow type)1CD
U-Spaces - The Light Show Vol. 3 (more tunes F.Y.type)1CD
U-Spaces - Lost Sixties Delights Vol.1 (Uncomped!)1CD
U-Spaces - Lost Sixties Delights Vol.2 (Uncomped!!)1CD
U-Spaces - Lost Sixties Delights Vol.3 (more uncomped!)1CD
U-Spaces - Lost Sixties Delights Vol.4 (rare 60's 45's)1CD
Utopia Daydream - New Rubble Volume 4, 1CD
Velvet Opera - Ride Hustler's Dream ('70 UK psych-folk?)1CD
We All Live On Candy Green, ('04 comp '60's unrel.psych)1CD
The Who - BBC Sessions (UK live trax)1CD
Whole Lotta Lava - "Make-out music from the psych era",1CD
The Who - Purple Hearts & Power Chords,(complete videos....
...from '65 to '68, including Tommy trax, 4 hrs NTSC,) 2 DVD's
The Who - Live At The Isle Of Wight 1970, (PAL) 1 DVD
The Who - Live At Kilburn London 1977, (last K.Moon) 1DVD
The Who - Who Sell Out ('67 LP, 23 great tracks!) 1CD
Page 4
American Archives - Volume 3,(rare live P.F.Sloan 60's)1CD
American Garage Classics - Root 66 + Signed D.C.(32 trax)1CD
The Appletree Theatre - Playback ('68 US group,weird!)1CD
Beat Era -(early-mid-to late '60's pop,psych, beat & soul(!).......
.......PAL format, 5 cuts from Jimi Hendrix, great!), 4 DVD's!
Beat, Beat, Beat -(NTSC format of disc# 4 Beat Era,) 1DVD!!!!
The Beatles - The Lost Pepperland Reel (rare demos) 1CD
The Beatles - Let It Be (making of...and outtakes) 2 DVD's !!!
The Beatles - Rubber Soul (stereo American version) 1CD
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (animated '68 movie) 1DVD
The Beat Of The Earth - Our Standard Three Minute Tune,1CD
The Blades Of Grass - Are Not For Smoking,('60's pop)1CD
Boston Tea Party -(US group,pop/psych '68) 1CD
Bryan MacLean - Candy's Waltz (acoustic demos,great!)1CD
Bryan MacLean - Ifyoubelievein ('66Love demos)1CD
The Byrds - T.V.Videos,(complete music videos) 2 DVD's
Chamaeleon Church - ('68 feat.Chevy Chase!!!)1CD
The Creation - Our Music Is Red (60's FREAKBEAT!) 1CD
The Creation - Making Time Volume One (20 trax rare)1CD
The Creation - Biff Bang Pow! Volume Two (20 trax)1CD
Dave Rabbit -(hard acid rock radio show Vietnam '70) 1CD
Destination Frantic!(comp 30 trax, moody garage-punk)1CD!
Dutch Beat 1960's - (Wally Tax interview,comp NTSC) 1 DVD
Dutch '60's Vol.1 -(comp 25 trax, great easy-POP! ) 1CD
Eight Miles High - 19 Tracks Inspired By The Byrds, 1CD!!!
Electric Coffee House - (comp 20 US folk-sike trax,great!)1CD
Electric Coffee House Vol.2, "The Golden Road", 20 trax,1CD
Electric Psych Sitar Headswirlers - Volume 7 (great sike!!)1CD
Fairytales Can Come True-Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 (UK pop-sike)2CDs
Fickle Pickle - Sinful Skinful (+ outts.'71 UK pop-psych)1CD
Fire - The Magic Shoemaker ('70 UK psych concept LP) 1CD
Gants - I Wonder (complete collection U.S. '60's group!) 1CD
Green - Green ('69 folk-rock/psych,) 1CD
Hang It Out To Dry - (27 trax + 11 What A Way To Die)1CD
He And She - ('60's pop psych duos Soft Sounds series)1CD
Hollies - Butterfly ('67 UK LP)1CD
Hollies - Evolution ('67 UK classic LP)1CD
Hollies - Confessions Of The Mind ('70 UK,LP)1CD
Houston Hallucinations - (comp '66-'68 unrele.spaced-out!)1CD
Immediate Alternative - (out-of-print import,label rarities!)1CD
The Jackpots - Jack In The Box, (60's Swed.,covers)1CD
The Kinks - Definitive Collection (26 trax,"Plastic Man")1CD
Arthur Lee - Vindicator (rare solo psych/soul,ex-Love'72)1CD
Love - s/t, (1st LP '66) 1CD
Love - Da Capo (2nd LP '67) 1CD
Love - Forever Changes (bonus trax,3rd LP '67 a classic!)1CD
Love - Forever Changes Concert ('03 video+doc.) 1DVD
Love, Peace & Poetry - British Psychedelic Music, 1CD
Love, Peace & Poetry - Mexican Psychedelic Music, 1CD
Manfred Mann - The World Of Mann (early hits!) 2 CD's!
Marmalade - Kaleidoscope (UK,60's pop-psych gems!)1CD
Mayhem - ('60's comp.10 trippy trax)1CD
Michaelangelo - One Voice Many (US '71 folk/psych!) 1CD
The Mirage - You Can't Be Serious ('65-'69 UK psych) 1CD
The Move - Colour Me Pop (NTSC video, Live T.V.!!) 1DVD
Mystic Astrologic Crystal Band - "Flowers"(2 LP's)1CD
Off The Wall - Volume One & Two - (ultra rare 60's comp)1CD
The Outsiders - CQ Sessions (double CD outrageous outtakes
.............from a great psych/punk LP,Dutch '68) 2CD's
P.F.Sloan Songbooks Vols..1,2,3,4,6-(comps written by)5CD's
Picadilly Line - Huge World Of Emily Small (UK-sike)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.1 - (uncomped UK 60's pop-psych)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.2 - (uncomped UK 60's pop-psych)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.3 - (uncomped more UK 60's rarities!)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.4 - (uncomped yet more 60's pop-psych)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.5 - (uncomp UK 60's/70's psych again!)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.6 - (uncomped disc #2 is super!) 2 CD's!
Pop Cycles Vol.7 - (uncomped 26 weird tracks!) 1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.8 - (uncomped..this one sounds GREAT!!)1CD
Pop Cycles Vol.9 - (uncomped 25 great tracks!) 1CD
The Pretty Things - Philippe Debarge (unrele.'69 psych!)1CD
Psychedelic Unknowns - Vol.1 (vinyl '60 obscurities!) 1CD
Q65 - Singles A's and B's (amazing Dutch 60's psych!) 2 CD's
The Best Of Q65 - (my own mix, amazing, 21 trax!) 1CD
Realistic Patterns - Orchestrated Psych from the USA, 1CD
Remember The '60's (made in Holland, vids PAL format)1DVD
Sandy Salisbury - Falling To Pieces ( ‘60's pop-sike ex-Millenium),1CD
Scum Of The Earth -s/t (comp.'60's garage punkers!)1CD
Scum Of The Earth - Part Two (comp more 60's punk!!)1CD
Silver Guitar Strings Vol. 1 to 5 (60's Byrdsian folk rock) 5 CDs
Six Miles From The Cage (awesome '68-'69 psych!!)1CD
Sixties British Sounds - Vol. 1 (uncomped Fading Yellow) 1CD
Sixties British Sounds - Vol. 2 (more rare FY tracks unrele.)1CD
Sixties Soft Rock - (music videos NTSC format) 1DVD
Tangerine Zoo - s/t (1st LP '68U.S.A. psych rock)1CD
Tangerine Zoo - Outside Looking In ('68 1CD
Tim Buckley - Goodbye And Hello ('67 folk/psych)1CD
Tim Buckley - Happy Sad ('69 folk/psych)1CD
Tim Buckley - Blue Afternoon ('70 folk/psych)1CD
Turquoise - Complete '66/8,(UK group like,Kinks,Who)1CD
Wig Out Vol.2 - (comp,mix of '60's and today's psych)1CD
Wild Thing (comp video, rare '60's groups,Small Faces)1DVD
With The Sun In My Eyes -(20 psych trax UK & Europe)1CD
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Badfinger - The Best Of...(‘60's-‘70's pop)1CD
Badfinger - Complete Ass Album (1973 rare outts)2CD's!!
BEYOND The Calico Wall (comp "Pure Psych Dementia") 1CD
The Bee Gees - First Album ('67 seminal effort, 14 trax!) 1CD
The Best Of & The Rest Of British Psychedelia (14 trax) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Endless Summer Concert 1988/Club Kokomo,1DVD
Endless Bummer - The Very Worst Of The Beach Boys,1CD
The Beach Boys - Lei'd In Hawaii -Rehearsals (live Aug.'67) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, Phil Spector Mix (amazing!!!) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Get The Boot (25 rare tracks!) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Goodbye Surfing, Hello God! (rare shit!) 5CD's!
The Beach Boys - Long Lost Surf Songs Vol.2, (Pet Sounds outts!)1CD
The Beach Boys - In The Beginning, The Garage Tapes ('60-'63)2CD's
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds Box Set (unbelievably great!) 3CD's
The Beach Boys - Rarities (released in1983 LP, great quality!)1CD
(I have many CD's by The Beach Boys, ask me what I have!!!)
Beach Boys: Dennis Wilson - Bambu/Bamboo (official release)1CD
Brainbox - To You ('72 Netherlands hard prog psych) 1CD
Bring Flowers To The World -(20 worldwide ‘60's popsike gems)1CD
Bulldog Breed - Made In England (Amazing '69 UK psych!)1CD
Catherine's Horse (obscure '69, garage, rare!)1CD
Canned Heat - Uncanned! The Best of(complete ‘60s-‘70s)2CD's
Captain Beefheart - Safe As Milk ('67 1st LP)1CD
Chico Magnetic Band -(Wild Hendrix type fuzz psych,'69)1CD
Cliff Wade - The Pop-Sike World Of...(complete collection)1CD
Coloured Sights & Sounds Vol.1 - (30 trax ‘60's garage/pop sike)1CD
The Contents Are - Through You (mega-rare U.S.'67 garage)1CD
The Cowsills - Painting The Day ("the best of" ‘60's U.S.)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Dandelion Delights Vol.1 ('60's, 21 trax)1CD
Darkness Through The Smoke - Dark And Moody Sounds.........
.........1969-1974 (18 trax, comp heavy psych,prog,pop mix)1CD
Deram Dayze - (comp, vinyl ‘60's Decca Records label)1CD
The Doors - Studio Bonus Tracks '65-'71 (17 trax)1CD
The DOORS - Complete TV appearances on video............
.........with Jim Morrison interviews & promo films, 3 DVD's!!!
The Doors - When You're Strange (new 2010 documentary)1DVD
Dragonwyck - Chapter 2 (1972, heavy psych!)1CD
Dry Ice - Mary's Meth Dream (rare U.S. '67-'69 sike garage)1CD
Echoes In Time - Vol.1 (from vinyl, ‘60's psych rarities)1CD
The Electric Asylum Vol.2 - British Freak rock Rarities, 1CD
The End - Introspection (great '69 U.K.pop-psych!!)1CD
The End - Retrospection (rare takes, ‘60's singles)1CD
The Factory - Path Through The Forest ('67 UK psych,rare!) 1CD
Faine Jade - It Ain't True (U.S.garage/psych 1966-'69)1CD
Faine Jade - Introspection: A Recital (U.S.'69 psych)1CD
Forge Your Own Chains (comp, heavy psych '68-'74)1CD
Gathering Of The Tribe#3 (volume 3,comp from vinyl!!!)1CD
The Iveys - Maybe Tomorrow (great ‘60's beat group!)1CD
The Iveys - Someday We'll Be Known (‘60's demos!)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Gentle Paisley Pastries Vol.1 ('60's, 21 trax)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Gentle Paisley Pastries Vol.2 ('60's, 19 trax)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Gentle Paisley Pastries Vol.3 ('60's, 20 trax)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Gentle Paisley Pastries Vol.4 ('60's, 23 trax)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Gentle Paisley Pastries Vol.5 ('60's, 25 trax)1CD
Sir Psych Presents: Volume 35 (comp rare ‘60's psych! #35!!)1CD
Gandalf - Part Two ('68-'70 demos, live; 13 psych tracks!)1CD
Girls -- Surf Bunnies & Hot Rod Honeys--(32 Rare 60s Trax !)1CD
Grapefruit - Around Grapefruit ('68 U.K. Beatlesque group!)1CD
Havoc From Holland (‘60's Nederbeat!!, 15 trax!)1CD
Head Machine - Orgasm ('69 UK group heavy psych/rock!)1CD
History Of Connecticut Garage Bands In The 60's - Volume One...
. ..........(Featuring North Atlantic Invasion Force and
............Yesterday's Children....very rare!! USA garage!!) 2CD's
The Hollies - I Can't Let Go (‘60's hits, 18 trax, no art)1CD
Houston Fearless - s/t ('69 U.S pop-psych monster!****) 1CD
Hunger - Strictly From Hunger/Lost Album ('69 U.S.) 1CD
Iggy And The Stooges - Raw Power ('73 U.S.punk!!!!)1CD
It's Not True - Early Covers of Who Songs (great vinyl 45's of....
.........takes of The Who songs with extensive liner notes!) 1CD
Jan And Dean - Save For A Rainy Day (U.S.pop'66)1CD
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced? ('67) 1CD
Jimi Hendrix 1967 (NTSC 1 and half hours, great!) 1DVD
Jimi Hendrix Various Clips/Live (NTSC format 2 hrs.) 1DVD
Jimi Hendrix - Plays Berkeley (1970 concert, 50 mins.)1DVD
Jason Crest - The Collected Works Of...(UK ‘60's group)1CD
Joey Heatherton - (female,‘72 pop,covers God Only Knows!)1CD
Keith West (of Tomorrow) Excerpts From (amazing '65-'74!)1CD
Lemon Fog - Echoes Of Time (1967-'68 U.S.beat/sike group)1CD
Love with Arthur Lee - Video Compilation (live & T.V.)1DVD
Lysergic Diversions (comp 23 trax, ‘60's outrageous psych!)1CD
Magic Mixture - This Is The... (UK group '68 psych folk)1CD
Mandrake Paddle Steamer - Strange Walking Man ..........
.............(amazing late ‘60's UK psych! A must have!) 1CD
Mars Bonfire - Faster Than The Speed Of Life....................
.................'68 solo, remastered, clean version, a-must!,1CD
Markley - A Group ('70 U.S.,West Coast Pop Band album)1CD
Maze - Armageddon (1968 prog. U.S.A.,group)1CD
Maypole - s/t (U.S.'70 group, psych monster, from vinyl!)1CD
Mind Expanders Vol.1 (comp 16 instrumental tracks!)1CD
Morning After - Blue Blood (UK '71 heavy-psych)1CD
The New Wave: The Sound Of...('67 Light Psych)1CD
Nederbeat Series - Vol.1 (vinyl comp Dutch psych!)1CD
Billy Nicholls - Love Songs (‘74 pop-rock, A-MUST!!!!)1CD
Nutty Love's Special ‘60's Mix (comp best-of this website!)1CD
Nutty Love's Special ‘60's Mix Volume Two -(more best!)1CD
Nutty Love's Special ‘60's Mix Volume Three (heavier!) 1CD
Oddities - Volume One (as seen on "Marmalade Skies")1CD
Oddities - Volume Two (more rare ‘60's psych!! A Must!)1CD
October Country - ('68 by Michael Lloyd!)1CD
Orphan Egg - s/t ('69 U.S.beat/psych, their only release!)1CD
Turnoffs To Nowhere -(27 trax "bizarre non-hits")1CD
Paul Martin -A/K/A Paul Myerberg (U.S.garage '66-'67)1CD
Pete Townshend - The Lifehouse Demos (1970) 2CD's
Phluph - s/t ( '68 pop-psych)1CD
Piccadilly Sunshine - Part One (UK pop-sike '65-'70)1CD
Piccadilly Sunshine - Part Two (UK pop-sike '66-'70)1CD
Piccadilly Sunshine - Part Three (UK pop-sike '67-'70)1CD
Piccadilly Sunshine - Part Four (UK pop-sike '65-'70)1CD
Piccadilly Sunshine - Part Five (UK pop-sike '66-72)1CD
Pictures Of Marshmallow Men - (comp 25 psychedelic trax)1CD
Pink Floyd "Which One Is Pink?" (PAL format,1 hour)1DVD
Pink Floyd Anthology (NTSC format, 1 and half hours)1DVD
Pink Floyd French TV '65-'69 (fucking great! 1 hour) 1DVD
Pink Floyd: Sid Barrett Story VH1 (documentary 1hr.) 1DVD
Pink Floyd - Early Singles ( 12 tracks!!, '67-‘68 Unreleased...) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Piper At The Gates Of Dawn ('67 masterpiece) 1CD
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets ('68 2nd LP psych/prog) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Projected Sounds (vinyl LP of '67 demos) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Survivor (unreleased studio LP late ‘60's) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Adam, Mike, and Tim - You're The Reason Why...
...........(the earliest confirmed Floyd-related recordings) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Syd Barrett - Magnesium Proverbs (mixed live...
......../studio '66-'70, Syd unreleased, 24 trax!! Great!) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Stoned Alone ('67 live & interviews, 9 trax!) 1CD
Pink Floyd - Outtakes From Outer Space (Hippie Shit Label!) 1CD
Pookie's Psychedelic Adventures (comp '60's - 20 rare trax)1CD
60 POP - (27 trax RARE late‘60's pop with a touch of psych)1CD
Powder - Biff! Bang! Powder -(unrel.'66/8 UK mod/psych)1CD
Pretty Things - BBC & Beyond (TV, Radio, 23 rare trax) 1CD
Pretty Things -(complete videos, plus bonus '60's videos)1DVD
Pretty Things - s/t ('65 1st LP + bonus trax, R&B giants!) 1CD
Pretty Things - Get The Picture ('65 LP + more trax!) 1CD
Pretty Things - Emotions ('67 LP + bonus trax!) 1CD
Pretty Things - S.F.Sorrow ('68 masterpiece album) 1CD
Pretty Things - Parachute ('70 LP + bonus trax!!) 1CD
Pretty Things - Psychedelic Years, Live & Rare (great!!!) 2CD's
Pretty Things - Greatest Hits (24 amazing trax, my own mix!)1CD
Project Blue - Volume 3, Nevermore! U.S.A.,punk '65-'67, 1CD
Punk Ballads Sampler From The Sixites (from vinyl, rare!)1CD
Relatively Clean Rivers -s/t (U.S.'75 hippie-psych rock)1CD
Rock, No Bach Vol. 1 - (comp 33 trax, beat & pop, '60's!) 1CD
Rock, No Bach Vol. 2 - (comp 28 trax, beat & pop, '60's!!)1CD
Steppenwolf - (1st album '68 "Born To Be Wild")1CD
Steppenwolf - The Second ('68 LP, "Magic Carpet Ride")1CD
Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs (U.K.1970,psych demos!!)1CD
Troll - Animated Music ( '68 LP pop-sike)1CD
T.2. - It'll All Work Out In Boomland (‘70U.K.
Velvett Fogg - s/t (UK group, 1969 LP heavy psych)1CD
Vile Vinyl - Vol.1 (from vinyl (duh) rare, wild ‘60's garage!)1CD
Wallpaper (comp,27 trax, ‘60's,"non-American psychedelia")1CD
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Vol.2 ('67 U.S.sike)1CD
West Coast Pop Art - Vol.3, A Child's Guide ('69 U.S.psych!!)1CD
The Who - Rarities ('66-'72, two albums on one CD! A-Must!)1CD
The Ugly's - The Quite Explosion (complete '65-'69)1CD
Unit 4 + 2 -(, 1969 LP, mostly beat, a little psych.)1CD
Zombies - Odessey And Oracle (‘68 U.K.,psych-masterpiece)1CD
Page 6
Al Kooper - Lost Psychedelic Album (1967-1970)1CD
Beach Boys - Smiley Smile SORTA-STEREO!, 1CD
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour Outtakes,(bootleg) 1CD
B.F.Trike -S/T ('71,heavy psych! A+)1CD
Bob Smith - The Visit ('70 U.S. hippie psych)1CD
The Bush - ‘Got Bush If You Want It: The Savage.........
....................Young Bushmen Of Rialto,1965-1966......
.....................(as seen on Ugly Things ‘zine) 1CD!!!!
The Byrds - Live In Stockholm 1967 (12 trax!, talk too!)1CD
The Byrds - Preflyte (early recordings U.S.1964)1CD
The Byrds Unsurpassed Masters ('65,outtakes, instrumentals!)1CD
Davie Allan & The Arrows - Apache 65 (1965 surf-garage!)1CD
The Doors - Essential Rarities (14 trax, rare takes)1CD
The Dovers - We're Not Just Anybody (monster garage.............
..............................psych folk-rock U.S. 1965-1966) 1CD
The Dream - Get Dreamy ('67 group, Norway, psych!)1CD
Bob Dylan - Another Side Of...(4th LP,1964)1CD
Bob Dylan - The Bootleg Series Volume 1 to 3, (rare!)3CD's
Echoes From The Wilderness (comp,'60's UK freakbeat)1CD
The Electric Banana - Blows Your Mind.......................
.....................('67-'68 The Pretty Things in disguise!) 1CD
Emitt Rhodes -S/T (U.S.'70 sounds like McCartney pop)1CD
The Flowerz - Flyte '67-'68 (U.S.cover group,Reading,PA)1CD
Fludd - S/T (Canadian '71 pop-psych group)1CD
Fortune Teller - "Inner City Scream" (,'68 garage)1CD
Frijid Pink - S/T (1970 U.S.hard rock/blues group)1CD
Frijid Pink - Defrosted (2nd LP, '70 U.S.blues-rock)1CD
Frijid Pink - Earth Omen (3rd LP '72
The Fugitives - On The Run (U.S.1966 garage)1CD
The Great Society - Born To Be Burned.......................
...........('65-'66 rare U.S.unreleased trax, pre-Jeff.Airplane)1CD
Hickory Wind - S/T ('69 U.S. psych/folk-rock, A+must!)1CD
Hippie Goddesses Compilation -(U.S. female folk/rock psych)1CD
The Haunted - S/T (1966 Canadian Garage)1CD
The Human Beast - Volume 1 ('70 UK group, heavy psych)1CD
H.Y. Sledge - Bootleg Music (1971 U.S.psych/rock)1CD
Icarus - The Marvel World of...(U.K.'72 group, prog-rock..........
...................all tracks about Marvel comic book characters )1CD
The Immigrants - '66 (U.S.1966 crude garage)1CD
Index - "Black Label Album" (U.S.'67,monster psych-garage)1CD
It's All Meat -S/T ('70 garage psych...superb!!)1CD
Jimi Hendrix & Jim Morrison - The Scene Club 1968 (live!!!)1CD
Judy Collins - The Very Best Of...("Both Sides Now" ‘60's)1CD
Lazarus - S/T (U.S.1971 folk-rock group)1CD
The Litter - Distortions (raw U.S. garage psych,1966)1CD
Kath - Kath One ( 1975 basement garage/psych)1CD
P.J. Orion And The Magnates - S/T (Byrdsian U.S.1967)1CD
Psych Bites Vol.1: Australian Acid Freakrock '67-'74, 1CD
Majic Ship - Complete Recordings (U.S.,garage '66-'70)1CD
Marble Phrogg - S/T (U.K.awesome rare '68 fuzz-psych)1CD
Mystery Meat - Profiles (U.S.'68 "holy grail" of raw garage!)1CD
Mighty Baby - Live In The Attic 1970 (U.K. psych)1CD
New Dawn - There's A New Dawn............
...............(dreamy '70 U.S. psych masterpiece, eerie!)1CD
The New York Dolls - The Best Of...(‘70's glam-punk!)1CD
New York Dolls - A Hard Night's Day ('73 live in studio!)1CD
Nightmares From The Underworld -Vol.1 ('60's Canada)1CD
The Novells - That Did It ('69 U.S.pop-psych group)1CD
The Nova Local - Nova One (,'67 garage/psych)1CD
Obscure ‘60's (comp., rare dance psych! 10 trax, a-must!!!)1CD
The Open Mind - S/T ('69 U.K.psych group)1CD
Penetrators - Basement Anthology, 1976 - 1984..............
............( sounds like mid'60's garage!,a-must!)1CD
The Phantom Raiders - New Sound '67 (pre-teen! garage)1CD
Psychedelic Experience - Volume 3 (‘60's-‘70's psych!)1CD
Psychedelic Experience - Volume 4 (‘60's-‘70's psych!)1CD
Psychedelic Sixties #1 (vinyl comp,Cicadelic Records,'82)1CD
Puff - S/T (U.S.1969, hippie pop)1CD
The Ramones - Anthology "Hey-Ho!" (all their hits),2CD's
The Ramones - Greatest Hits (late ‘70's,early'80's,U.S.punk!)1CD
The Ramones - We're Outta Here! (live '96 concert!)1CD
Joey Ramone - Don't Worry About Me ('02 release, last LP)1CD
Marky Ramone & The Intruders - The Answer To Your Problems?
.........(2nd LP by Marky, 1999 release, sounds like Ramones!)1CD
Sea Stone - Mirrored Dreams (1978 U.K.prog-psych group)1CD
Skip And The Creations - "Mobam" (U.S.'67 crude garage)1CD
Smokin' Willie - S/T ('72 crude U.S.garage, covers! A-must!)1CD
Stack - Above All (‘,powerful psych hard-rock)1CD
Stone Circus - ('69 Canadian/U.S. pop-psych group)1CD
Stone Harbour - Emerges (U.S.'74 ultra-raw psychedelia)1CD
Swedish Psych 1967-1973 (comp rare Swede psychedelia)1CD
Time Machine - History Of Canadian Garage Punk And...........
.......... Surf 1985-'95 ('60 revival!! Sounds like pure ‘60's!)1CD
Tomorrow - S/T ('68 group, Keith West, psychedelia!)1CD
Tom Newman - Fine Old Tom (ex-July,'75 U.K.psych)1CD
Tommy Roe - Phantasy (lost '67 pop-sike classic!) 1CD
Ultimate Spinach - s/t ('67 U.S. group 1st LP) 1CD
Wendy & Bonnie - Genesis ('69,U.S.pop/folk psych duo)1CD
Wildfire - Smokin' (U.S.'70 powerful psych-hard rock)1CD
The Yardbirds - Greatest Hits Volume One 1964-'66, 1CD
The Yardbirds - For Your Love ('65 U.K.,1st studio LP)1CD
The Zipps - Be Stoned! (1967 group Dutch beat)1CD
Located in the New York City Area.
This site is for reference only, i no longer trade CD-R's. May 2023
The Outsiders CQ Sessions and July "Second Of July" CD-R's!
All CD's include artwork printed-out!
A full DVD of 2 hours of clear b&w footage...
...LIVE in concert and promo films feature:
The Kinks, The Move, The Creation "Painter
Man" "Making Time", The Yardbirds with
Jimmy Page(!), P.P.Arnold "First Cut is the
Deepest", The Troggs "With A Girl Like You",
Jimi Hendrix 5 cuts, Cream "Strange Brew",
The Hollies "Look Through Any Window",
Manfred Mann, Canned Heat "On the Road
Again", Spencer Davis Group, Traffic, Joe
Cocker, Crazy World Of Arthur Brown (weird shit!)!
NTSC American format "Beat,Beat,Beat" DVD
The CD's listed here are NOT mp3's to download.
To download mp3's or torrents, go to
Rapidshare blogspot,
or Mediafire blogspot,
or e-mail me today for a trade!
I ship world-wide, international first-class
parcel post. ~Since 2004.
High quality Sony CD-R's of rare '60's trax!
All CD's include artwork printed-out without jewel cases.
Contact me:
Visit my Facebook page: search for "Psychedelic '60's".
blue are recommended )
$27 Snap On Face - Heterodyne State Hospital (1977 U.S....
...............................calif.pop-rock/psych,very good album !)1CD
Agincourt - "Fly Away" (1970 U.K. psych-folk)1CD
Alacran - S/T (1971 Spain blues/psych-rock)1CD
All Of Thus - S/T (U.S., N.Y. 1966 garage LP, from vinyl)1CD
Alphabeat (comp. excellent pop, psych, & prog ‘67-'70)1CD
Andy Robinson - Patterns Of Reality (U.S.'68 folk-psych)1CD
Anneke Konings - Feelings (Dutch '72 folk-psych in English!)1CD
Aphrodite's Child - End Of The World (‘68 U.K./Greek psych)1CD
Apple - An Apple A Day ('69 U.K. group psych/pop)1CD
August - S/T (‘67 U.S. group very rare garage rock)1CD
Axe - S/T (‘70 U.K.prog/psych group, reissued in ‘93)1CD
Azitis - Help ('71 U.S.Christian Psych Rock! great!)1CD
The Bachs - Out Of Bachs (monster '68 U.S. psych-garage) 1CD
The Baroques - s/t (U.S.1967 amazing pop-psych!!) 1CD
The Baroques - Purple Day (U.S. 22 trax, '60's unrele.)1CD
Rare Beatles Comp - ("Free As A Bird", "Real Love",23 trax) 1CD
The Beatles - Abbey Road Instrumentals (no vocals!!)1CD
The Beatles - Alternate Sgt.Pepper's And A Little More................
..................(rare takes and interviews about Sgt.Pepper's) 2 CD's!
Batch - Wait 'Til Tomorrow (U.S. '68-'70 psych-garage)1CD
The Beatles - The Deccagone Sessions (very early takes!)1CD
The Beatles - Hot As Sun (very rare unreleased album '69)1CD
The Beatles - Hard Day's Night (1964 film, NTSC format) 1DVD
The Beatles - Not For Sale - Bootleg (many rare trax!!)1CD
Virtual Beatles - Somewhere In Dakota (unreleased Lennon demos....
......redone and recorded new, sounds like John would have...)1CD
This is an amazing have never heard these Lennon songs!!!
The Bards - Resurrect: Moses Lake (U.S. '68 fuzz-psych!)1CD
The Basement Wall - Incredible Sound (U.S.garage group ‘63-'69)1CD
The Betterdays - Here ‘Tis (‘64-'91 unreleased UK garage, great!!)1CD
Blessed End - Movin' On (U.S. ‘71 group, Doors-like)1CD
Blind Faith - s/t ('69 U.K. blues/psych rock, w/ Eric Clapton)1CD
The Birds - "Collector's Guide" ('64-'66 U.K. freakbeat mod)1CD
Blonde On Blonde - Rebirth (1970 U.K. heavy psych/prog rock)1CD
Bob Seger - The Early Years (U.S. garage/psych '66-'74, rare!)1CD
Boa - "Wrong Road" (1971 U.S. psych garage/blues)1CD
Bohemian Vendetta - s/t (U.S. '68 garage-psych from vinyl!)1CD
Brain Police - s/t ('68-'70 U.S. psych +10 bonus trax!)1CD
Brownsville Station - Yeah! ('73 U.S. blues/rock, "Smokin'")1CD
Brigade - Last Laugh ('70 U.S.garage/psych)1CD
Candida Pax - "Day" (1971 U.K.killer psych-folk/blues)1CD
Captain Marryat - s/t (U.K. 1974 psych-prog!)1CD
Charles Manson - Lie (1970 LP indie folk/psych! out there!)1CD
The Choir - Practice (U.S. garage 1966-1969) 1CD
Churchchill Downs - s/t (1967-'68 U.S. psych-pop)1CD
Class Of ‘66! - (from vinyl, teen garage, no fuzz!!)1CD
The Click Kids - Are Comin' (1970 U.S. Xian teen-garage)1CD
Colin Blunstone - One Year ('71 U.K. folk-pop)1CD
Colin Blunstone - Ennismore ('72 U.K.pop-rock)1CD
Complex - s/t ('70 rare garage-psych U.K.,from vinyl!!)1CD
Complex - The Way We Feel ('71 U.K.garage/psych!)1CD
Cosmic Michael - S/T (U.S.'69, acid psych, N.Y.C.!)1CD
Cosmic Michael - After A While (U.S.'70 loner psych!!)1CD
Crash Coffin - s/t ('74 mixed bag/psych/blues/pop)1CD
Crow - "Music" (amazing ‘69 U.S.A. biker hard-"turf"rock!)1CD
Cuby And The Blizzards - Live (Holland ‘68 blues-rock)1CD
Czar - s/t (1970 U.K. hard prog/psych)1CD
Daily Flash - Flash Daily (U.S.'66-'68 folk-rock/psych)1CD
Dantalian's Chariot - "Chariot Rising" ('67 U.K. psych)1CD
The David - Another Day, Another Lifetime ('67 U.S.psych)1CD
Dave Davies - The Album That Never Was (‘67-'69 comp) 1CD
David Peel & The Lower East Side - American Revolution..............
..............................(1970 U.S. New York stoner rock/garagy) 1CD
David Peel & The Lower East Side - Have A Marijuana..................
.........................(1968 U.S. New York proto punk/stoner rock) 1CD
David Peel & The Lower East Side - The Pope Smokes Dope..........
.........................(1972 U.S. street/stoner rock w/John Lennon!) 1CD
Days - s/t (1971 Denmark prog psych fuzz, in English!)1CD
Deadly Dose Of Wylde Psych - v/a (U.S.mid-'60's acid psych!)1CD
Dearly Beloved - History...Vol.6 (U.S. mid-'60's killer garage!! A+)1CD
Dino, Desi & Billy - Singles Collection ('60's U.S.sunshine pop) 2CD's
The Deep - Psychedelic Moods ('66 U.S. fuzz psych group!)1CD
Dogfeet - s/t ('70 U.K. heavy psych-blues rock, great!)1CD
The Dog That Bit People - s/t ('70 U.K.prog-rock)1CD
Elderberry Jak - Long Overdue (U.S. '70 garage/blues psych!)1CD
The End - The Last Word (U.K.1969-1970 pop-psych!!)1CD
Evol - s/t (1970 U.S. folk psych/pop)1CD
Fading Yellow Vol.TEN, ("The Better Side",'60's-'70's pop-sike)1CD
Farmyard - S/T (New Zealand ‘70 psych/prog rock)1CD
Favourite Sons - That Driving Beat ('65 U.K. freakbeat!!!)1CD
The Fifth Order - Bonfire! (U.S. 1967 group, garage)1CD
Finchley Boys - Everlasting Tributes (U.S.'68 heavy psych)1CD
The Finders Keepers - Stained Glass Sun (‘68 pop-psych/garage)1CD
Flat Earth Society - "Waleeco" ('68 U.S. promo LP psych-folk/pop)1CD
Francoise Hardy - In English (French '66 pop album!!)1CD
Francoise Hardy - Vol.1 ('62-'68, sung in French, pop!)1CD
Francoise Hardy - If You Listen ('71 French pop-In English)1CD
The Frantics - "Relax Your Mind" (U.S. '68 unrele. garage-psych)1CD
Fresh Maggots - s/t (1971 U.K. psych-folk)1CD
Friends - "Fragile" (1972 U.K. folk pop-psych)1CD
Front Page Review - "Mystic Soldiers" ('68 U.S.psych-rock)1CD
The Folklords - "Release The Sunshine" ('69 Canada folk-psych)1CD
The Fox - For Fox Sake -(1970 U.K.psych-pop!)1CD
Foxx - The Revolt Of Emily Young ('70 U.S. sunshine? pop psych)1CD
Garagemental! Cuca Story 2 -(U.S. '65-'70 blistering garage)1CD
Gary Walker & The Rain - Album No.1 (U.K.psych 1968 LP)1CD
Genesis - The Early Days ('67-'69 U.K. prog/psych) 2 CD's !!!
Ghost - When You're Dead - One Second (‘70 U.K.folk-psych)1CD
The Glass Family - Electric Band (1969 U.S. psych-prog)1CD
The Glass Harp - Acetate Demos 1969 (rare U.S.psych-garage!!!)1CD
The Golden Dawn - Power Plant ('67 U.S. great Texas psych!!)1CD
Grannie - s/t (1971 U.K. hard prog-psych rock!)1CD
Grapes Of Wrath - s/t ('64-'73 U.S. garage beat psych group!)1CD
Grave - Grave 1 (1975 German psych-prog!!!!!!)1CD
Greek Garage Bands Of The '60's (rare Greek raunch!! In English!)1CD
Group $oall - "By My Side" (1967 Dutch folk-beat in English!)1CD
The Groundhogs - Blues Obituary ('69 U.K. blues-rock)1CD
The Hangmen - Bittersweet (U.S.'67 pop-sike, superb!)1CD
Harsh Reality - Heaven & Hell ('69 U.K. great prog/psych!)1CD
The Haunted - In Return From The Grave (‘66-'67 Canada garage)1CD
Herbal Mixture/Groundhogs - "Please Leave My Mind"....................
.................................................('64/'66/'67 U.K. garage/pop-psych)1CD
The Human Zoo - s/t (1970 U.S. quirky psych-pop)1CD
Impala Syndrome - s/t (South Amer. '69 heavy fuzz garage psych!)1CD
Inner Thoughts Of Evil Lighthouse Jim-v/a (psych/prog ‘66-'75) 2 CD's
Index -Red Label Album ('68 raw U.S.psych/garage ESSENTIAL!!)1CD
Index - Yesterday & Today/Black/Red LP - (U.S.'67-'70 psych!) 2 CD's
Ithaca - A Game For All Who Know (U.K. prog-psych folk, 1973)1CD
It's Zimmerman's World...Soft Sounds For Gentle-('60's folk garage)1CD
Jackie Lomax - Is This What You Want? ('69 U.K. R&B soul)1CD
Jack Starr - Born Petrified (U.S. '50's? '60's? garage-PUNK!)1CD
Joe Beck - Nature Boy (U.S. 1969 wild psych-rock)1CD
Joe Peace - Finding Peace Of Mind (U.S. '72 loner folk-psych!)1CD
The Joint - Freak Street ('68-'69 U.K.acid/pop-psych, amazing!) 1CD
Jonathan & Leigh - "Third And Main" ('67 U.S.folk-psych! good!)1CD
Jucy Lucy - s/t ('69 pre-Misunderstood U.K./U.S.blues rock)1CD
The Ju-Jus - You Treat Me Bad ('65-'67 U.S. garage)1CD
Kennelmus - "Folkstone Prism" (U.S. '71 acid-psychedelia!!!)1CD
Kennelmus - "BEYOND Folkstone Prism" (U.S. '69-'72 psych, rare!)1CD
Kenny Wayne & The Kamotions (-) ('70 U.S. garage/blues/psych)1CD
The Kitchen Cinq - Everything But...(U.S.'67 garage/pop psych***)1CD
Killer Cuts - LP, 14 mid ‘60's garage-folk/punkers, 1CD
The Klubs - Midnight Love Cycle ('68 U.K.freakbeat-psych)1CD
The Knack - The Little Girls Understand (2nd LP, U.S.power-pop '80)1CD
Krayon Angels - 1969 (U.S.'69 fuzz psych!)1CD
Lazy Smoke - Corridor Of Faces ('68 U.S.psych-pop, Lennon-esque)1CD
The Legend - s/t (1968 U.S. superb garage pop-psych)1CD
Locksley Hall - s/t (USA group ‘69-'70 psych/garage/pop)1CD
Lollipop Shoppe - Just Colour ('68 downer/psych-punk garage U.S.)1CD
The Lost - Lost In Action (U.K. R&B garage psych '64-'67)1CD
The Mad Hatters...Meet The Fallen Angels - (1965-'66 U.S. raw...............
...................................................garage psych! Amazing rare trax!!)1CD
Made In Sweden - "Made In" ('70 Swede prog-psych, in English!)1CD
Maitreya Kali - Apache/Inca ('71-'72 US acoustic psych-folk) 2CD's
Mandrake Memorial - s/t (debut album! '68 U.S. psych!)1CD
Marianne Faithfull - Greatest Hits ('60's U.K. folk-pop)1CD
Mary Butterworth - s/t (1969 U.S. West Coast psych!, rare!)1CD
The Master's Apprentices - Masterpiece ('70 Aussie psych)1CD
The Master's Apprentices - Choice Cuts ('71 Aussie prog-psych)1CD
Mike Tingley - The Abstract Prince (U.S.'68 folk-psych)1CD
Michael Yonkers - Microminiature Love (‘68 U.S. loner psych)1CD
Michael Yonkers - Lovely Gold (unrele.'77 LP experimental psych)1CD
Millennium - Pieces (U.S. late '60's pop-psych)1CD
Mindblowing Encounters Of The Purple Kind - LP (‘60's garage)1CD
Mind Garage - An Electric Happening (‘68 wild-psych)1CD
Mind Garage - An Electric Rock Mass ('69 rare-psych)1CD
The Missing Links - s/t ('66 stoned-out R&B garage/psych, Aus.)1CD
The Misunderstood - The Lost Acetates ('65-'66 U.S. garage-psych!)1CD
The Misunderstood - Gold Star/Golden Glass ('66-'67 U.S.psych) 2 CD's
The Monks - Black Monk Time ('65/'66 U.S. insane howling garage)1CD
Montage - s/t (baroque pop 1969
Morning Dew - s/t (1967 U.S.psych-folk-rock, released in '71)1CD
The Motions - Impressions Of Wonderful ('65-'67 Dutch beat/psych)1CD
The Move - Something Else (E.P.,rare live ‘68 U.K.) 1CD
The Mystic Tide - Solid Ground (superb psych-garage U.S.'65-'67)1CD
Native Sounds - Vol.75 (19 trax comp '60's Kraut R&B !! Wow!)1CD
NGC-4594 "Skipping Through The Night" ('67 U.S.psych-rock!!!)1CD
The Nazz - s/t (1968 1st LP U.S.psych-mod rock)1CD
The Nazz - Nazz Nazz (1969 2nd LP U.S. mod-psych rockers!)1CD
Nickels And Dimes - s/t (U.S.'66-'68 garage, from vinyl!)1CD
Neptune's Empire - s/t (1971 Norway easy listening psych)1CD
Neurotic Reactions (20 trax worldwide psych, freak rock)1CD
The New Creation - "Troubled" (Canadian '71 Xian psych/garage!)1CD
One Hand In The Darkness - LP, 14 slabs of moody ‘60's garage,1CD
Our Generation - Dawning Of The Day (Xian psych/garage!,'71)1CD
Out Of Darkness - s/t (1970 U.K. psych/hard rock! great!)1CD
The Oxfords - Flying Up Through The Sky ('70 U.S. pop-sike) 1CD
Painted Faces - Anxious Color ('67-'68 U.S. garage psych!!!)1CD
Pandamonium - Unreleased Album ('69-'70 U.K.pop/folk psych)1CD
Paper Bubble - Scenery ('70 U.K. psych folk band)1CD
The Paper Garden - s/t ('68 U.S., N.Y.C. psych fuzz rarity!)1CD
Paul McCartney - McCartney 1 ('70 1st solo LP, Beatle sound!)1CD
Paul Revere & The Raiders - Revolution! ('67 U.S. pop-rock/psych)1CD
Penny Arkade - Not The Freeze ('67-'68 U.S. psych-folk-rock!)1CD
Pesky Gee - Exclamation Mark ('69 U.K. psych-prog/soul)1CD
Peter Frampton - Record Plant Demos (1975 live) 1CD
Peter Frampton - Ultrasonic Studios (N.Y. live audience ‘74)1CD
The Phinx - Sometimes ('68 U.S. garage, ex-Gants!)1CD
Pisces - A Lovely Sight ('69 U.S. "homespun" psych !!!)1CD
The Plastic Cloud - s/t ('68 psych/garage Canada)1CD
The Pleasure Seekers - "What A Way To Die" ('64-'68 garage)1CD
Poe - Up Through The Spiral ('71 U.S.psych-pop)1CD
Poor Richard - Place Of The Sun (U.S.1978 psych-folk !!) 1CD
Pop Cycles Volume Ten - (late ‘60's, early ‘70's singles)1CD
Pop Cycles Volume Eleven -(24 pop-psych tracks!!)1CD
Pop Cycles Volume 12 (2 CD's, the last of this series!!!) 2 CD's !!!
P. P. Arnold - The First Cut "Anthology" (U.S.female pop '66-'68)1CD
The Pretty Things - BBC Sessions ('64-'73 U.K. legends!!!) 2 CD's
Psych-Out - Original Movie Soundtrack (1968 U.S.)1CD
Quatrain - s/t (1965-'69 U.S., L.A. hard pop psych/rock)1CD
Rain: A Tribute To The Beatles (2010 band! Amazing video! ) 1DVD
Rare Surf - Vol.5 The Capitol Masters (very rare ‘60's) 1CD
The Rats - Rise And Fall...(1967-'69 U.K.R&B psych-rock)1CD
Riot Of The Amphetamine Generation - (‘60's R&B, vinyl) 1CD
Rising Storm - Calm Before...(1967 U.S. garage psych)1CD
River Styx - s/t (U.S. garage 1967- 1972 unreleased/acetate) 1CD
Return Of The Amphetamine Generation - (more ‘60's punk) 1CD
Rolling Stones - Rock And Roll Circus (‘68 live show!)1CD
The Roosters - All Of Our Days ('64-'68 U.S.garage/surf/folk)1CD
Rust - Come With Me (German group ‘69 prog/psych, a-must!!)1CD
Sandy Coast - And Their Name Is...(Dutch beat rock ‘67)1CD
Sam Gopal - Escalator (blistering U.K. psych 1969 group)1CD
The Savages - Live N' Wild ('66 U.S. monster garage psych!!!)1CD
Savage Resurrection - s/t (U.S. 1968 psych!!)1CD
Second Hand - Reality ('68 U.K. psych/prog, amazing psych!)1CD
Schibbinz - "Livin' Free" ('68 U.S./Argentina garage-folk, rare!)1CD
Scorpion - I Am The Scorpion (Swedish 1970 psych/pop) 1CD
Screaming Lord Sutch - Story (comp '61-'65 U.K. raunch)1CD
St.John Green -s/t (U.S.'68 wild psych acid rock!)1CD
The Shaggs - Philosophy Of...('69 U.S. "worst record ever")1CD
She - "Wants A Piece Of You" (U.S.'66 girl garage group)1CD
The Soup Greens - That's Too Bad ('64-'65 garage U.S.)1CD
Silver - Children Of The Lord (U.S.,Christian '75 garage/psych!)1CD
Six Feet Under - In Retrospect ('69-'70 U.S. garage / psych)1CD
Sixties Archives - Vol.8 - Acid Trip & Heavy Sounds Psych, 1CD
The Skeptics - Complete Early Years ('65-'69 U.S.garage/beat)1CD
Sleepy Hollow - s/t (U.S. '72 Beatlesque pop!)1CD
Sleepy John - s/t (U.S. '70 fuzzed blues/prog-psych)1CD
The Small Faces - Green Circles (1st LP '67 U.K. psych!)1CD
The Small Faces - BBC Sessions (U.K. '65-'68 beat/psych)1CD
The Small Faces - There Are But Four (great album! '68 U.K.)1CD
The Spike Drivers - s/t ('65-'66 U.S. folky rock/psych)1CD
Son Of Fading Yellow - Vol.1 (rare '60's pop-psych U.S.)1CD
The Squires - Going All The Way! ('65-'66 U.S.garage-psych!)1CD
Stoned Circus - Revisited ('70 U.S. West Coast acid-psych!)1CD
Sugar Cube Blues Band (‘67 U.S. garage psych, no blues!)1CD
Susan Christie - Paint A Lady (U.S. 1970 psych-folk!)1CD
Tapiman - S/T (1972 Spain heavy psych)1CD
Team Dokus - Tales From The Underground (U.K.'69 psych!)1CD
Them - Them Again ('66 U.K. blues rock, 2nd album w/Van!)1CD
Them - Belfast Gypsies (1967 U.K. blues-garage/psych)1CD
Them - Now And Them (1968 Belfast garage-psych!)1CD
Them - The World Of Them (1970 comp., Belfast R&B)1CD
The Third Bardo - Lose Your Mind (U.S.psych ‘67 E.P) 1CD
Titus & Ross -s/t ('70 U.S. folk-psych, O.O.P.)1CD
Thor's Hammer - From Keflavik...('65-'67 garage Iceland)1CD
Titus Oates - Jungle Lady (U.S. '74 hard prog rock)1CD
The Tomcats & July - Recordings and Demos (‘60's beat & psych)1CD
Tomorrow Come Someday - s/t (1969 U.K. folk/sunshine pop)1CD
Total Raunch - 100% Boss Garage ('60's U.S. 80% uncomped!!!)1CD
Top Drawer - "Solid Oak" (1969 U.S. heavy psych-blues) 1CD
Touch - Street Suite (1969 U.S. bluesy-psych garage...good!) 1CD
Twentieth Century Zoo - Thunder...(U.S. '68 fuzzy blues-rock)1CD
Ugly Things - Volume 1 (comp rare ‘60's Aussie garage psych)1CD
Ugly Things - Volume 2 (more rare Aussie garage psych!)1CD
Uncovered - "New Nadir" & "Me & Others" (2LP's '66-'67 garage)1CD
United Travel Service - Wind & Stone (U.S. garage-psych 1966)1CD
Unknown Mystery ‘60's Group (U.S. group, garage/pop)1CD
Vanity Fare - Early In The Morning ('70 U.K.pop-psych)1CD
Velvet Underground - Another View (‘67-'69 comp,‘86 vinyl) 1CD
Velvet Underground & Nico (1st LP,'67,mono mix!!)1CD
Velvet Underground & Nico (1st LP, ‘67 STEREO MIX) 1CD
Velvet Underground & Nico (April ‘66 Scepter Studios, demos...........
.........................lost acetate worth $25,000!, from vinyl!, rare!)1CD
Velvet Underground - Live At The Gymnasium (U.S. ‘67) 1CD
Velvet Underground - Live Vol.1 & Vol.2, 1969, 17 trax total!) 2 CD's!
Velvet Underground - VU Album (unreleased ‘68-'69) 1CD
Velvet Underground - Ultra Rare Trax Volume 1 (rare takes) 1CD
Velvet Underground - Fully Loaded (complete LP, & outtakes,'70) 2 CD's
Velvet Underground - Live At The End Cole Ave. (U.S. ‘69 best live!)2CD's
Velvet Underground - The Very Best Of (16 trax, amazing ‘60's charm!)1CD
Velvet Underground - Rob Presto's Mix! (my own mix!, 17 trax!) 1CD
Virgin Insanity -Illusions Of...(‘71 U.S. folk-psych)1CD
The Wailers - Outburst (U.S. '66-'67 garage, wow!)1CD
The Wallace Collection - s/t ('69 Belgium psych-baroque rock)1CD
The Wallace Collection - Laughing Cavalier ('69 psych-pop-rock)1CD
The Wallace Collection - Edition 5000 ('74? Belgium baroque psych)1CD
Wally Tax - Love-In (‘67 pop Dutch solo LP in English!) 1CD
Warlus - Songs (France, ‘75 acid-trip psych! essential!, in English!)1CD
We All Together - Two (2nd LP 1974 Beatlesque from Peru) 1CD
West Coast Natural Gas - Two's A Pair ('67-'68 U.S. pop-psych)1CD
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Where's My Daddy ('69LP)1CD
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Companion ('60-'71 comp)1CD
What A Way To Die - (comp mid-'60's garage, "Pleasure Seekers"!)1CD
The Who - Odds And Sods (‘98 remastered, ‘74 rarities, outts)1CD
The Who - Sings My Generation (U.S. version ‘66) 1CD
The Who - "The High Numbers" - Live 1964 (pre-fame UK shows)1CD
The Who On Tour - "Magic Bus" (1968 Decca Records)1CD
Whitewood - s/t (1970 U.S. garage-psych)1CD
Windflower - "Dreams" (USA group 1976 pop/rock, LTD 500 copies)1CD
William Penn And His Pals - Historic(U.S. San Fran. garage late ‘60's)1CD
With Love: A Pot Of Flowers (U.S.'67 comp rare folk-psych!)1CD
Wimple Winch - Story Of Just Four Men 63-'68 (U.K. freak beat!!!)1CD
Winston George - Any Direction (Canadian'69 folk-psych, AMAZING!)1CD
World Without Fuzz - Various Artists (rare '60's garage U.S. 24 trax) 1CD
Yankee Dollar - s/t ('68 U.S. pop-psych)1CD
Zakary Thaks - Form The Habit (raw & crude garage U.S. 1965-1968)1CD
The CD's listed here are some of the finest, rare music ever made in the '60's!
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.1 (1962),1CD
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.2 (1963),1CD
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.6 "All Summer Long",3 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.7 (1964) "Today" LP, 4 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.8 (1965) "Today" LP, 4 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.9 (1965) "Summer Days", 4 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 10 (1965) "Party! Sessions", 4 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.18 (1967) "Smiley Smile", 1CD
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.20 "Friends"&"20/20"LP, 2 CD's
Unsurpassed Masters Vol.21 Today&SummerDays,stereo!1CD
Capitol Punishment - (Spank Records,24 trax), 2 CD's
Brother Rarities (12 trax, very rare Landlocked era****),1CD
Beach Boys - Big Sur 1970 (rare live performance!)1CD
Beach Boys - Sunflower And More (4 rare trax!)1CD
Smiley Smile (French remast.,6 bonus trax, magic records)1CD
STEREO Smiley Smile & Wild Honey (amazing mix!)1CD
Smile - JMZ Mix 2011 (the best mix of Smile! A-MUST!)1CD
Rarities Vol.1 (32 trax Dumb Angel records)1CD
The Brother Years - Rare Tracks '70-'80,1CD
25 Impossible Stereo Hits, 1CD
Deep Sea Treasures Vol.1 '63-'73,1CD
Deep Sea Treasures Vol.2 '61-'73,(all live),1CD
Carl Wilson / Youngblood, 2 LP's on one CD, 1CD
Carl Wilson Live at the Bottom Line, 1981,(bootleg), 1CD
Landlocked (unreleased LP 1970, this is A MUST!), 1CD
Knebworth Rehearsals '1980, rare soundboard!!,a must!, 1CD
Adult Child, Millenium Edition, (rare unreleased LP),1CD
Harmony Friends, (studio outts, diff.versions), 2CD's
Beach Boys - Heros and Vibrations, 1CD
Lost Smile Recording Sessions (Hanging Dog Records), 2CD's
Project Smile - Data CD, Interactive computer program,1CD
Our Favorite Recording Sessions #1 (misc.outtakes), 1CD
For Collectors Only Part 2 (#2 of above) rare shit!, 2 CD's
The Murry Tapes & More (Infamous "Rhonda", outts.),1CD
Come Back Brian, (studio demos), a fun CD, 1CD
You're A Friend of Mine,(rare 60's J&D, Honeys), 1CD
WPLJ-FM Interview Feb '71, (BB talk,rare trax on-air), 1CD
Brian Wilson, Words and Music, 1CD
Brian Wilson, Sweet Insanity, Millenium Edition, 1CD
Brian Wilson, Lucky Dog Demos, (rare '76 piano demos), 1CD
Brian Wilson, Bananas, (rare shit!), 1CD
Brian Wilson, Cocaine Sessions, (rare "City Blues" demo)1CD
Brian Wilson, Still I Dream of You, (rare Japan CD), 1CD
Brian Wilson, Howard Stern Interview,(mid-1990's),1CD
Brian Wilson, Live Bridge School Benefit, 1CD
Dennis Wilson, Bamboo, (unreleased LP'83?), 1CD
Pet Sounds Sessions, (3 CD's from the box set! Superb!)1CD
BB- The Golden Collection,(18 trax,many rare singles) 1CD
Tripsitter - California Son (amazing '04 sounds like Boys!!)1CD
Brian Wilson, It's Not Easy Bein' Green,(excel. sound),1CD
Brian Wilson - Sweet Insanity, Millenium Edition, 1CD
Brian Wilson, Pre-Show Jitters, QVC show,(excel.),1CD
Live 1971, The Grateful Dead Meet the Beach Boys, 3CD's
The Many Moods of Murry Wilson, (father of BB), 1CD
BB Ultra Rare Tracks Vol.1 and Vol.2, 2CD's
Brian Wilson, 21 Little Ones, (rare tracks, "Barbie"song),1CD
BB - Summer in Paradise - Euro Version, (no art), 1CD
Merry Christmas From the BB , (Seasons in the Sun),1CD
BB- Memorial Day Radio Show with Dick Clark.1981,3CD's
Brian Wilson , SMILE Live London Feb24,'04,,(excel) 2CD's
Brian Wilson Presents Smile, (2004 official release) 1CD
Two Steps Forward - A Tribute To Brian and Dennis, .............
....Various Artists,(2006,produced by Jerry Boyd, a-must!)1CD
That Lucky Old Sun - Demos and Bonus (studio demos)1CD
The Beach Boys - Endless Summer Concert 1988/Club Kokomo,1DVD
Endless Bummer - The Very Worst Of The Beach Boys,1CD
The Beach Boys - Lei'd In Hawaii -Rehearsals (live Aug.'67) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, Phil Spector Mix (amazing!!!) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Get The Boot (25 rare tracks!) 1CD
The Beach Boys - Goodbye Surfing, Hello God! (rare shit!) 5CD's!
The Beach Boys - Long Lost Surf Songs Vol.2, (Pet Sounds outts!)1CD
The Beach Boys - In The Beginning, The Garage Tapes ('60-'63)2CD's
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds Box Set (unbelievably great!) 3CD's
The Beach Boys - Rarities (released in1983 LP, great quality!)1CD
Beach Boys - Smiley Smile SORTA-STEREO!, 1CD
DVD's with the Beach Boys
Beach Boys Video Hits (43 trax from T.V.) 1DVD
The Girls On The Beach ('65 movie w/Beach Boys) 1DVD
Beach Boys Good Vibes Tour - It's OK T.V.Special,1DVD
Brian Wilson Presents SMiLE -('04 docu./concert) 2 DVD's
Beach Boys Monument/Landmark Dedication '05,1DVD
Beach Boys And Satan (documentary about Manson & B.Boys),1DVD
July‘s My Clown track: "Paper-Head" is an acid-user.